Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning

Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning

Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning are very frequently hear words among the peoples. What is machine learning? And what is Artificial intelligence? Artificial Intelligence is concept of machine being able to do a task by way that we would consider as smart. And Machine Learning is Artificial Intelligence based and the idea that we should give to them, let them learn for them by accessing the data.

Beginning of the Artificial Intelligence

AI was all over the world early days. We all have heard the story about Europeans have had “logical machines” that they called computers with basic arithmetic and memory. There are some myths that geeks have built human machines to mimic our behavior. So the scientist sees the opportunity and they work on the job. That’s how we have AI this much developed.  

AI has developed with understanding how our mind works, have progressed rather than increasing more complex algorithms and complex formulas. Working with AI based projects, such as mimicking human behavior have helped to do things very human ways.

Devises that designed to act intelligently have divided to two main fundamental categories.

1. Applied or general Systems that designed to apply AI far more common like intelligently trade stoke shares and vehicles with autopilot that have autonomous manure in this category.

2. Generalized AI Device or systems which can theoretical handle any task are in this category.  This is the interesting one today.

Development of machine learning

Two breakthroughs led the emergence of machine learning develop very fast. First one is Arthur Samuel have explained everything that he know about the computer to the world and how to carryout task by themself in 1959. And tell it might be possible to teach them to learn for themselves.

And the second breakthrough is the emergence of Internet. Generating, transferring and also storing huge amount of data and made available of analysis.

When these innovations are discovered, scientist think that teaching machines and computers how to do everything themselves. It would be very easy and far more efficient code them to be like humans, and connect them in to the internet and give them the access to the all the information that they need.

Importance of Neural Networks

A neural network is simply series of algorithm that endeavors to reorganize underlying relationship of data that mimics the way of human brain operate. Most likely neural system is system of neurons that may be natural or artificial in nature.

Developing the neural network is the way to teach computers the way world works the way we understand. Actually they are behind us from thinking. But there accuracy and speed is way over than us. It’s just because lack of bias only.

It works on probability mainly. Based on data that fed in to it and it will able to make statement, decisions or prediction with a rate of certainly. When we use feedback loop enable with it, it will learn that previously made decisions with probability are right or wrong and it will modify the approaches in future.

Machine learning application can read text and tell the person who wrote it is congratulating or saying something else. And listening to the music and tell that music making person happy or sad. These are all possibilities of systems based on Machine Learning (ML) and Neutral Networks (NN). The idea of communicating with an electronic device is like we communicate human is no longer with ML. When this happened there will be another field of Artificial Intelligence will be emerging. It is Natural Language Processing (NLP). Recently we have developed that technology a lot which is now use in mobile phones also, mainly based on Machine learning.

 Natural Language Processing applications try to understand natural human communications, and communicating with us similar or relevant language.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with Future

AI and Ml is in using vast of fields these days. Starting from Automating tasks, creative insight, industries in every sector from banking, manufacturing and healthcare are taking the Internet of Things (IoT) of benefits. Today by using ML and AL we have gathered accuracy and speed and lot of things. But in near future we’ll be unable to tell this is natural or man maid. And much exciting things we have achieved in resent years and those things are just fundamental thins. There will much more in the near future with AI and ML.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning are very frequently hear words among the peoples. What is machine learning? And what is Artificial intelligence? Artificial Intelligence is concept of machine being able to do a task by way that we would consider as smart. And Machine Learning is Artificial Intelligence based and the idea that we should…

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